There was someone I knew on Livejournal (my social networking site of choice in my early teens), who shared a lot of my interests and also liked Death Cab For Cutie, so I asked her which songs I should start on. She suggested "Marching Bands of Manhattan
This may have been the photo I found when I first googled them, but I'm not positive. Look how
frighteningly "modern" they are. Left to Right: Nick Harmer, Ben Gibbard, Chris Walla, Jason McGerr.
So at this point, I bought Plans
second hand at the now out-of-business local record store and listened to it through. I liked it. Death Cab For Cutie became my gateway drug to other modern music. I will grudgingly admit though, that apart from Plans, I had only heard a handful of other Death Cab songs by the time Narrow Stairs
came out in 2008. But Narrow Stairs rapidly became one of my favorite albums of all time. I must have listened to it a hundred times that summer. When I found out Death Cab were going to be playing an hour away, with opening act Tegan and Sara, I decided I had to go.
Up until November of 2008, I had been to two shows, both at children's festivals: They Might Be Giants and Micky Dolenz. I couldn't drive and none of my friends really shared my musical interests. But I had a job and money to spend on tickets and I was determined to go.
I did go, and it was amazing. Just as Death Cab introduced me to the fact that modern music could be things apart from sucky, they also introduced me to how awesome a live show experience can be (with all due respect to They Might Be Giants and Micky Dolenz. They did great shows too, but this was different).
Death Cab For Cutie in Columbus, Ohio 2008.
Since that concert, Death Cab have become absolutely one of my favorite bands for reasons too numerous for me to not exploit in other blog posts. I even got to see them again this year, and they managed to live up to the wonderful memories of them that I had. Death Cab For Cutie are a great band that have helped form me as a person and will hopefully continue to shape me in the future.
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